¡Que horrible!

Whoever coined the term “terrible threes” was really on to something. And, they probably had Oliver as one of their subjects, who clearly was far right-of-center, or so it would seem…

We’re going through, lets say, an interesting emotional roller coaster phase, complete with the random sads, occasional (frequent?) tantrums, and massively irrational fears (of all things to be feared, our toddler picks emergency doors and fire alarms as the two things in the whole world out to get him).

But, all that said, he’s still the funniest, cutest, and most adorable little 3-year-old I have ever seen. Maybe ol’ Konrad Lorenz was right when he proposed Kindchenschema – babies/toddlers are cute for a reason: simply so that we can have the continued motivation to care for them…

I leave you with a picture of Oliver from this morning – he was sad (for no reason – according to him), so wanted to sit and basque in the sun. Nothing wrong with that, especially when you’re as cute as he is!


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